*OpenCV/Patch to enable capturing using DirectShow on OpenCV 2.3 [#t0e4d9f4]
OpenCV 2.3からOpenCVのソースにVideoInputの実装が組み込まれるようになりました.&br;
その影響からVisual Studio 2005とWindows SDKをインストールした状態で&br;

|BGCOLOR(white):1.0|BGCOLOR(white):highgui_dshow_capture_patch_v1.zip|BGCOLOR(white):23.6 KB|BGCOLOR(white):20110710|BGCOLOR(white):zip|BGCOLOR(white):[[http://www.atinfinity.info/img/download.gif:http://www.atinfinity.info/opencv/extension/highgui_dshow_capture_patch_v1.zip]]|


 OpenCV 2.3でDirectShowによるキャプチャを有効にするパッチ

-_MSC_VERが1400(=VS2005)以上であればWindows SDKのヘッダを参照するよう変更




This page describes the way to enable capturing using DirectShow on OpenCV 2.3.&br;
VideoInput library code was merged to highgui code on OpenCV 2.3. &br;
In the result, OpenCV 2.3(WITH_VIDEOINPUT enable) can not build &br;
when you install Visual Studio 2005 and Windows SDK.&br;

This patch is intended for OpenCV-2.3.0-win-src.zip in [[Official Release:http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-win/2.3/]].

|BGCOLOR(white):1.0|BGCOLOR(white):highgui_dshow_capture_patch_v1.zip|BGCOLOR(white):23.6 KB|BGCOLOR(white):20110710|BGCOLOR(white):zip|BGCOLOR(white):[[http://www.atinfinity.info/img/download.gif:http://www.atinfinity.info/opencv/extension/highgui_dshow_capture_patch_v1.zip]]|

|BGCOLOR(white):1.0|BGCOLOR(white):20110710|BGCOLOR(white):First Release|

 This is patch to enable capturing using DirectShow on OpenCV 2.3.

**The contents of the patch
- This patch changed that OpenCV does not refer to header files in "dshow" directory.
- Instead, This patch changed that OpenCV refers to header files in Windows SDK.
- Instead, this patch changed that OpenCV refers to header files in Windows SDK.

+Please download highgui_dshow_fps_patch_v1.zip. And,extract this file.
+Please overwrite the patch's files to the following directory.
+Please enable ''WITH_VIDEOINPUT'' on CMake, and build OpenCV.

If you have question,please send e-mail to the following address.&br;&br;


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