*OpenCV/Using OpenCV 2.2 on iOS SDK 4.2
このページは[[yoshimasa niwa - iPhoneでOpenCVを使う方法:http://niw.at/articles/2009/03/14/using-opencv-on-iphone/ja]]で紹介されている&br;OpenCV 2.1用のビルドスクリプトをOpenCV 2.2で使うための方法を記載しています.

**OpenCV 2.2取得



-OpenCV-2.2.0.patch --- OpenCV 2.2に適用するパッチ
-niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572.patch --- ビルドスクリプトに適用するパッチ



(1)OpenCV 2.2のディレクトリに移動
 % cd OpenCV-2.2.0

(2)OpenCV 2.2にパッチを適用
 % patch -p1 < ../opencv2.2_for_ios4.2_build_script_20101231/OpenCV-2.2.0.patch

 % cd ../niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572

 % patch -p1 < ../opencv2.2_for_ios4.2_build_script_20101231/niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572.patch


(※OpenCV 2.1用のライブラリとヘッダが格納されているため)

 % cd ../niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572

 % mkdir build_simulator

 % cd build_simulator

 % ../opencv_cmake.sh Simulator ../../OpenCV-2.2.0

 % make -j 4

 % make install

***デバイス [#z6fc8ce8]
 % cd ../niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572

 % mkdir build_device

 % cd build_device

 % ../opencv_cmake.sh Device ../../OpenCV-2.2.0

 % make -j 4

 % make install

**サンプルプログラム [#tc28e35c]



*OpenCV/Using OpenCV 2.2 on iOS SDK 4.2
The page describes the method to use OpenCV 2.2 on iOS SDK 4.2.&br;
And, this method use [[yoshimasa niwa - Using OpenCV on iPhone:http://niw.at/articles/2009/03/14/using-opencv-on-iphone/en]] as a reference.

**Getting OpenCV 2.2 source code
Please get "OpenCV-2.2.0.tar.bz2" from [[Official page:http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-unix/2.2/]].

**Getting the build script(maked by niwa)
Please get "niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572.zip" from [[this page:https://github.com/niw/iphone_opencv_test/commit/4ab0572d48a07f2401a15ca4c894c169983ae0fd]].

**Getting the patch file
Please get the following patch file.&br;

This Zip file contains the following patch file.
-OpenCV-2.2.0.patch --- The patch for OpenCV 2.2
-niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572.patch --- The patch for build script

**Applying the patch
Please extract the following file.

After the extraction, please put the following directory to same hierarchy.

(1)Move to the OpenCV 2.2 directory
 % cd OpenCV-2.2.0

(2)Apply the patch to OpenCV 2.2
 % patch -p1 < ../opencv2.2_for_ios4.2_build_script_20101231/OpenCV-2.2.0.patch

(3)Move to the build script directory
 % cd ../niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572

(4)Apply the patch to the build script
 % patch -p1 < ../opencv2.2_for_ios4.2_build_script_20101231/niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572.patch

This will go through the applying the patch.&br;
Please delete "include","lib","share" directory from the following directory.&br;

***For simulator
(1)Move to the build script directory
 % cd ../niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572

(2)Create the build directory(for simulator) 
 % mkdir build_simulator

(3)Move to the build directory(for simulator)
 % cd build_simulator

(4)Do the CMake
 % ../opencv_cmake.sh Simulator ../../OpenCV-2.2.0

 % make -j 4

(6)Install the library
 % make install

***For device
(1)Move to the build script directory
 % cd ../niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572

(2)Create he build directory(for device) 
 % mkdir build_device

(3)Move to the build directory(for device)
 % cd build_device

(4)Do the CMake
 % ../opencv_cmake.sh Device ../../OpenCV-2.2.0

 % make -j 4

(6)Install the library
 % make install

**Sample Program
Please open the niw-iphone_opencv_test-4ab0572\OpenCVTest.xcodeproj using Xcode.

|CENTER:Sample of edge detection|

|CENTER:Sample of face detection|

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